128 research outputs found

    Emissions industrials a l'atmosfera. Llur control

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    El control de les emissions industrials a l'atmosfera a Catalunya, competència de la Conselleria d'Industria i Energia de la Generalitat, es portat a terme per mitja dels mecanismes propis de la Conselleria i dels diferents organismes dependents, tant píblics com privats, de seguiment i inspecció de la contaminació industrial. Un d'aquests organismes, el Laboratori del Centre de Medi Ambient, declarat Entitat Col•laboradora en matèria de medi ambient industrial el febrer de 1981, s'incorpora a l'estructura bàsica de control a través de les Seccions de Medi Ambient dels respectius Serveis Territorials d'Industria, per requeriment de la industria objecte de la inspecció determinada per l'Administració. El marc legal en que es mou tota 1'estructura de control és caracteritzat per dos trets significatius: una normativa reduïda referent a nivells d'emissió i una manca de normalització de la metodologia de presa de mostres i anàlisi que, juntament amb la complexitat d'aplicació de les tècniques de control existents, provoca una sensible disminució de la significació de les dades obtingudes. Això fa que per a la necessària creació d'un banc de dades que permeti d'avaluar la incidència de les diferents emissions de contaminants, calgui dur a terme prèviament una sistemàtica de control més acurada, la qual ha d'ésser complementada amb l'estudi dels processos industrials

    Economy of identity

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    Economia de la identitat

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    Deterministic and stochastic methods for gaze tracking in real-time

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    Psychological evidence demonstrates how eye gaze analysis is requested for human computer interaction endowed with emotion recognition capabilities. The existing proposals analyse eyelid and iris motion by using colour information and edge detectors, but eye movements are quite fast and difficult for precise and robust tracking. Instead, we propose to reduce the dimensionality of the image-data by using multi-Gaussian modelling and transition estimations by applying partial differences. The tracking system can handle illumination changes, low-image resolution and occlusions while estimating eyelid and iris movements as continuous variables. Therefore, this is an accurate and robust tracking system for eyelids and irises in 3D for standard image quality.Peer Reviewe

    Automatic generation of computer animated sequences based on human behaviour modelling

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    This paper presents a complete framework to automatically generate synthetic image sequences by designing and simulating complex human behaviors in virtual environments. Given an initial state of a virtual agent, a simulation process generates posterior synthetic states by means of precomputed human motion and behavior models, taking into account the relationships of such an agent w.r.t its environment at each frame step. The resulting status sequence is further visualized into a virtual scene using a 3D graphic engine. Conceptual knowledge about human behavior patterns is represented using the Situation Graph Tree formalism and a rule-based inference system called F-Limette. Results obtained are very helpful for testing human interaction with real environments, such as a pedestrian crossing scenario, and for virtual storytelling, to automatically generate animated sequences.Peer Reviewe

    Semantic annotation of complex human scenes for multimedia surveillance

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    A Multimedia Surveillance System (MSS) is considered for automatically retrieving semantic content from complex outdoor scenes, involving both human behavior and traffic domains. To characterize the dynamic information attached to detected objects, we consider a deterministic modeling of spatio-temporal features based on abstraction processes towards fuzzy logic formalism. A situational analysis over conceptualized information will not only allow us to describe human actions within a scene, but also to suggest possible interpretations of the behaviors perceived, such as situations involving thefts or dangers of running over. Towards this end, the different levels of semantic knowledge implied throughout the process are also classified into a proposed taxonomy.Peer Reviewe

    Automatic learning of 3D pose variability in walking performances for gait analysis

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    This paper proposes an action specific model which automatically learns the variability of 3D human postures observed in a set of training sequences. First, a Dynamic Programing synchronization algorithm is presented in order to establish a mapping between postures from different walking cycles, so the whole training set can be synchronized to a common time pattern. Then, the model is trained using the public CMU motion capture dataset for the walking action, and a mean walking performance is automatically learnt. Additionally statistics about the observed variability of the postures and motion direction are also computed at each time step. As a result, in this work we have extended a similar action model successfully used for tracking, by providing facilities for gait analysis and gait recognition applications.Peer ReviewedPreprin

    Hierarchical eyelid and face tracking

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    Most applications on Human Computer Interaction (HCI) require to extract the movements of user faces, while avoiding high memory and time expenses. Moreover, HCI systems usually use low-cost cameras, while current face tracking techniques strongly depend on the image resolution. In this paper, we tackle the problem of eyelid tracking by using Appearance-Based Models, thus achieving accurate estimations of the movements of the eyelids, while avoiding cues, which require high-resolution faces, such as edge detectors or colour information. Consequently, we can track the fast and spontaneous movements of the eyelids, a very hard task due to the small resolution of the eye regions. Subsequently, we combine the results of eyelid tracking with the estimations of other facial features, such as the eyebrows and the lips. As a result, a hierarchical tracking framework is obtained: we demonstrate that combining two appearance-based trackers allows to get accurate estimates for the eyelid, eyebrows, lips and also the 3D head pose by using low-cost video cameras and in real-time. Therefore, our approach is shown suitable to be used for further facial-expression analysis.Peer Reviewe

    Aproximación virtual y didáctica al patrimonio defensivo de la fortaleza del siglo XVI de la Trinitat (Rosas, Girona)

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    [EN] The Trinitat Fort, built in the mid-16th century, is an extraordinary example of European military architecture from the mid-16th century, conceived as an artillery machine, whose mission was to protect the natural port of Roses (Girona, Spain). The fortification had a long history of warfare that ended with the Peninsular War (1808–1814), which turned it into ruins. In 2002, the Roses city council planned an ambitious architectural intervention to recover the fortification. The works restored the overall exterior volumetry, with current construction materials. The large interior spaces resulting from the intervention had little in common with the original structures. Starting in 2016, the museum projected to open the fort to the public. The strategy focused on 3D works, which were used to plan museographic proposals and to make an interior space understandable, with an aspect very distant from that of the original construction. It entailed extensive fieldwork analyzing the sources and structural remains that were preserved and surmising the possible architectural solutions the fortress originally contained. Based on evidence and hypotheses, the group carried out a reconstruction from virtual archeology, and it developed a didactic iconography to explain the artifact to a broad spectrum of visitors and students. This iconography was applied on the panels, in the scenography and audiovisuals of the museum, and in the dissemination materials. The museography was implemented between 2019 and 2021. Considering the variables and comprehensive needs for a wide range of users and visitors, we completed the virtual archeology proposal based on realistic criteria, giving importance in 3D to textures and colors. It incorporated the anthropic and movable factors through matte painting techniques and images obtained with the support of re-enactment groups.Highlights: - The Fort of the Trinitat, built in the middle of the 16th century, is an extraordinary poliorcetic piece, conceived as an artillery machine, whose mission was to protect the natural port of Roses (Girona, Spain). - Between 2019 and 2021, an ambitious reconstruction of virtual archaeology has been carried out, developing a didactic iconography aimed at broad-spectrum visitors and formal education students. - The didactic iconography proposal developed in the Fort of the Trinitat does not try to compete with the large market productions, but it does try to explore sustainable intervention models to make the past and its heritage known.[ES] El Fuerte de la Trinitat, construido a mediados del siglo XVI, es un extraordinario ejemplo de arquitectura militar europea de mediados del siglo XVI, concebido como una máquina de artillería, y con la misión de proteger el puerto natural de Roses (Girona, España). La fortificación tuvo dilatado historial bélico que terminó durante la Guerra de la Independencia (1808-1814), convirtiéndose en un montón de ruinas. En 2002, el ayuntamiento de Roses planificó una ambiciosa intervención arquitectónica para recuperar la fortificación. Las obras restauraron la volumetría exterior en su conjunto, con materiales de construcción actuales. Los grandes espacios interiores resultantes de la intervención tenían poco en común con las estructuras originales. A partir de 2016, se inició el proyecto de museografía con el objetivo de abrir el fuerte al público. La estrategia se centró en la realización de un 3D, utilizado para planificar propuestas las museográficas y hacer comprensible un espacio interior, que presentaba un aspecto muy distante al de la construcción original. Se procedió a la realización de un laborioso trabajo de campo, analizando las fuentes y los restos estructurales que se conservaban, y aventurando las posibles soluciones arquitectónicas que en su día tuvo la fortaleza. A partir de las evidencias y las hipótesis se procedió a realizar una reconstrucción de arqueología virtual y se desarrolló una iconografía didáctica para explicar el fuerte a un público visitante de amplio espectro, y a estudiantes de enseñanza reglada. La museografía comenzó a implementarse entre los años 2019 y 2021. Teniendo en cuenta variables y necesidades comprensivas de los usuarios y visitantes la propuesta de arqueología virtual se planteó a partir de criterios realistas, basándose en el 3D, en las texturas y en los colores. El factor humano y mueble se incorpora a partir de técnicas matte painting con el apoyo de grupos de recreación histórica.This work was supported by the Bosch Gimpera Foundation Project no. 309824 (2018): Advice and coordination of the museography works of the permanent exhibition of the castle of the Trinity of Roses. Barcelona: Bosch i Gimpera Foundation (University of Barcelona); Roses City Council.Hernàndez-Cardona, FX.; Sospedra-Roca, R.; Casals-Ausió, JR. (2022). Virtual and didactic approach to the defensive heritage of the 16th century Fort of the Trinitat (Roses, Girona). Virtual Archaeology Review. 13(26):103-115. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2022.15733OJS1031151326Aguiló, M. (2006). Los ingenieros en la construcción del Mediterráneo. In C. de Seta (Coord.), España en el Mediterráneo. La construcción del espacio (pp.18-41). Madrid, Spain: Centro de Estudios y Experimentación de Obras Publicas.Ainaud, J. (1965). La plaza fuerte de Rosas. 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